There is one specific book that came in the mail every year around the holidays when I was a kid. I would watch for this book and hound my mom to check the post office everyday in anticipation. The book, of course, is the Sears Wish Book!
Now, getting the book in the mail was the easy part. Wresting with my brothers to ensure I got first crack at the toy selection was the harder part. The tradition in our house was to go through the Sears Wish Book and circle the items that we would like most, with an initial beside each circle. We then had to write out our letter to Santa with those items and give the lists and the book to mom.
Of course, she got it all off to Santa for us.
Now, at not quite 3 and a half, Lilly is a bit young to really make a full Christmas list. She basically wants just about every. single. toy. she lays her eyes on. This leaves identifying some of the items she really wants a little more difficult. In starting our own tradition, we looked through the Sears Wish Book at all the possibilities. It was clear that some toys got her more excited than others. We circled them and discussed why she thought they would be perfect choices to tell Santa.
While the list was quite lengthy, here were are few of her main choices.
Lilly was quick to point out that this combines Play Doh and a couple of her favourite Disney Princesses. Obviously, it made the list.
Anyone who knows my child, knows that she is obsessed with all things My Little Pony. Of course this means that we have seen the new movie about 100 times. The one where the “ponies become girls”. When she spotted this, I think she literally squealed.
This last one is a toy we could both agree on. Lilly has a dino fetish. She has collected dozens of dinosaur toys in all different shapes and sizes. She has even collected rocks and leaves to make her “dino world” look more realistic. When we saw this incredible toy bin that doubles as a play mat, I think we both got equally excited! Now, I just need to find one for ponies too…
Have you built this year’s wish list with your little ones? Want a chance to WIN IT?!
Sears is also hosting an amazing contest on right now called the Sears Wishes of Joy Contest on now until December 15 where you can SHARE your wish lists for a chance to WIN! Plus many more opportunities to win up to $10,000 in prizes. It’s lots of fun!
Disclosure: I am part of the Sears Mom Ambassador program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
Growing up we loved going through the Sears Wish Book and writing our big wish lists. My kids love to do the same now. It’s a great tradition.