So I am once again pulling the lazy and stealing a blog post from my work blog…though, it’s not technically stealing, since I wrote it
Honestly, I feel this is information that I needed to share with my world of online moms. I flat out refuse to use DEET on my child (among many other ingredients) and these are just some of the reasons why.
Do mosquito bits suck? Yes, immensely. But to be blunt, does neuro disorder and skin irritation suck? Yes, so much more than a bug bite.
Read and share.
OG EcoTip
When looking for an insect repellent to use on your family, it is nearly impossible to find one without the use of DEET. In the last 10 years, DEET has become the most common active ingredient in the repellent industry.
What exactly is DEET? It is a registered pesticide that can be absorbed through the skin, passes into the blood stream and can also be absorbed by the stomach. DEET is short for N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (also known as N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide). It is a member of the toluene chemical family. Toluene is an organic solvent used in rubber and plastic cements and paint removers.
Recently, DEET has been found to inhibit the activity of a central nervous system enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, in both insects and mammals. This brings to light that DEET also has a toxic effect on the brains of insects.
The Medical Sciences Bulletin, published by Pharmaceutical Information Associates Ltd. reports, “Up to 56% of DEET applied topically penetrates intact human skin and 17% is absorbed into the bloodstream.” Blood concentrations of about 3 mg per litre have been reported several hours after DEET repellent was applied to skin as directed on the label.
As the controversy surrounding DEET grows, so do the recommendations around the labeling and use of products containing it. It is now recommended that you never apply it to a wound, your hands, or face. Also, that it should not be applied under clothing and should be washed off as soon as it is no longer needed.
It makes you wonder, with an ingredient that causes that many potential health risks and requires that many precautions, is it really the right choice for your family?
Healthier alternatives are available and are starting to take notice. The Halsa Forest Spray and Forest Lotion Stick from OnlyGreen are both DEET free, and contain no harsh preservatives, parabens or fragrances. As the rest of our products, they are formulated with the safest possible ingredients and handmade in Canada. For May and June, when you purchase 2 Halsa Forest Sprays, you will receive our Bug Bite Soothing Gel for FREE!
Crystal Wiltshire,
Marketing Manager, OnlyGreen
Check out our online catalogue! Safe and natural, quality products, handmade in Canada!
Deet is scary stuff! I’m glad we don’t often have to deal with lots of mosquitoes around here so I don’t have to use repellent often, but if I do, I choose a natural alternative.
Ya it is pretty nasty, as is much of the other ingredients in conventional repellents. The good news is that as consumers become more conscious about what is in their products, healthy alternatives are starting to gain traction on the market.