I feel like all I have talked about lately is potty-training. I don’t know if I have gone more than an hour in the past 3 weeks, without mentioning pee and poop…but for any parent who has been there, you know that it is an all-consuming process.
I had blogged last week about how much potty-training sucks and that I learned I am not above bribing my child…
Well is has been 2 weeks today and we have a day trained toddler! We haven’t had an accident in over a week & can even car rides and errands without the use of a training pant.
And, since she is now a ‘pro’, she has taken to potty-training all of her babies. Hilarious and adorable.
Now, while all this is fantastic and I couldn’t be happier, I do have one small issue…
I don’t want to potty-train at 3am!
I love that my little lady has grasped it so quickly, and reminds me every time I put her undies on her, “I no pee pee my undeerair mommy.” She says the same thing about her ‘dieair’ (translation: diaper), which again, is fantastic.
However, it is not fantastic when my toddler, who has been sleeping great for months now, wakes up at 1-3am, because she needs to use the potty. We still have her in a diaper at night, but if she is not in a deep enough sleep, she realizes that it is not where she wants to go.
I understand that telling her it’s ok to pee in her diaper would be more damaging than it’s worth. So I begrudgingly haul ass out of bed and take her to the potty for a good 15-30 minutes until she goes. And, since she’s up anyways, she of course asks for her milk, her snack and her show….tv at 3am? Dream on child. 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.
Ideally, this will all be done with soon and I will be able to put the potty talk to rest. At least until the next kid comes along!
Oh goodness, she’s adorable!
I’m definitely not looking forward to the whole potty training deal! Lol
Thank you! I swear they learn how to be super cute! haha.
Potty-training isn’t all that bad. There are consolations…like no more diapers! Which in my case, also means less laundry. Yeah!