I am a fashion junkie.
Anyone who knows me personally knows this is true. I have been this way from a very young age. Having learned how to sew from my Grandma when I was only 4, I was making my own skirts and modifying hand-me-downs and thrift store finds by 5th grade.
I love designers. I can’t afford them, but I love them. I follow fashion leaders on every social media and have an entire folder on my iPhone for fashion related apps. I read an obscene number of style magazine and blogs & will photograph and catalog outfit ideas I like for inspiration. True story.
So now you might be asking yourself one question. Why don’t I run a fashion blog? Actually I do. However it resides on tumblr, is poorly neglected and I hardly ever post my own outfits.
I have recently started posting my outfit of the day on Instagram. It seems to be going over well and I am often asked where I got something. I have thought about incorporating those photos into this blog many times, but I have been hesitant since this is not dominantly a fashion blog.
Well now I am saying screw it. I am throwing reason to the wind and following suit with other awesome mom bloggers who want to share what they are wearing from time to time. You know, those awesome days where you throw together an outfit, look in the mirror and think, “nailed it!”
This will not be everyday. Some days I’m lazy and look like crap. Some days I wear yoga pants. To the office. But I will try my best to get outfits up a few times a week and outline where I got items from. I tend to hang on to good items, so some things may not be available in stores now, but should give you an idea of where to find a similar style.
Please note, this will not be glamourous. Although I have managed to snag a few designer pieces in my lifetime, I have also bought clothes & accessories from Walmart. As much as I love my designers, it is about the look, not the label.
It is also largely about the budget… If I bought the red sole, caged Louboutins I have my eye on right now, my husband would divorce me. I mean seriously, that’s a mortgage payment.
So here goes nothing.
Today’s look is embracing the trend of summer whites, while adding pops of my favourite colour. I am more than a little obsessed with turquoise/Tiffany Blue and will use any excuse to build an outfit around it.
Shirt, bermuda shorts & belt – Suzy Shier
Leather bracelet & earings – Ardene
Silver bracelet – Tiffany & Co.
Sandals – Walmart, George line
Adorable toddler accessory – my own creation
Updated – I decided to add a close up of my nails, because they match so nicely and I am kinda proud at my first marble manicure attempt. Here is the water marble manicure tutorial I followed.
Ideally speaking, I’d be able to wear outfits like this all the time. But alas, I live in Canada. Keep an eye out for my parka outfits around November-December
Fellow fashion junkie? Looking for daily outfit inspiration? Check out the rest of my fashion related posts.
I wish I was better at outfits and fashion! I really do find posts like this very helpful, even if to some they might seem frivolous. I think it’s important, and I’ve always been kind of clueless, so thanks very much for the help. And I love your nails!
Make your fashion a sub-category of your blog. I love the design on your finger nails. I am lucky if I can keep my painted and looking nice for more than a day.