Wordless Wednesday with linky: First carnival rides!

This past weekend, we had the traveling mid-way come to our area. At not quite 3 years old, we weren’t sure if there was much Lilly would be able to do, but we thought we would check it out anyways.

Getting ready to go to the fair. My kid. The picture of pure grace…

Turns out there was a number of rides designed for tiny riders. It also turns out our kid is a daredevil. There was plenty of other kids her age screaming and crying on each ride. Lilly? Well when the bumble bee ride rose up about 15 feet of the ground, she squealed “weee” with her hands in the air. All while this mama had a mild heart attack watching from below.


  1. says

    Awww love all your pictures! My kids have only done Small world once way back in 2006 but I reembmer that elephant well and the way his head tilts from side to side (but my memories are from my own childhood) though I must admit to being somewhat relieved that my kids aren’t fans of the ride

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