#WordlessWednesday with linky: Our New Ford Escape!

This past weekend was a busy one. Although busy weekends take a lot out of me these days, they also make me feel very accomplished!

My Saturday morning started out with a full on invasion.

This was my wake up call...

This was my wake up call…

Later that day, Lilly and I brought home our new baby! Ok, so not the new baby everyone is thinking…he’ll be here in a few weeks. This was our new four wheeled baby. We traded in our Ford Ranger now that our family is about to expand! This beauty was love at first drive ;)

2013 Ford Escape

Heated seats & remote start…perfect for this whimpy Canadian girl ;)

Lilly and I finished out our weekend with a day of cooking on Sunday. We tried making gluten free donuts for the first time ever. They turned out ok. However the pancake batter we used can be a bit chalky. Next time I think I will just make them from scratch.

Gluten Free Donuts

Cinnamon sugar, gluten free mini donuts!

We also had some family visit, did a pile of laundry and organized Cole’s dresser. As the arrival of our little man gets closer and closer, I can imagine all of my weekends will be this hectic!



    • Crys Wiltshire says

      We had a Ford Ranger that was just not going to be even close to legal anymore ;) We do have a car too, but we needed to trade in the Ranger anyways and it made sense to get something that would grow with our family.

    • Crys Wiltshire says

      What’s interesting is that there was also a light green one and I liked it a lot more. However, this blue has grown on me very, very quickly :)

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