A few days ago, I decided to try on my skinny jeans again for first time in over a month. I’ve been very relaxed about getting back into my clothes, since I haven’t really had time to workout like I did when Lilly was born. Cole has just simply been a different baby all together.
Much to my surprise, the jeans fit! It feels great to start to wear some of my favourite closet items again.
Last week was our 8th anniversary. Having a new baby at home, we opted to stay in and have our favourite take out.
And just because I love showing them off, here are some pics of the kids from this week.
Tiffany says
Love the jeans! Great color…
stevebethere says
Aww! cute photos heheh!
Jay @CraftySpices says
Being able to fit into old your old clothing is awesome, I for sure know the feeling. Congratulations.
Great pictures and the little ones look adorable.
Rhonda Albom says
Congrats on the the skinny jeans. I still haven’t gotten into mine and my youngest is 14 Adorable family shots.
Merlinda Little (@pixiedusk) says
I am so jealous! My body went big when I stopped breastfeeding =( #ww
Lisa @acuppaformama says
Great Job! I’m having a tough time with this.
Natasha Rodriguez Mom 2 5321 says
Kudos for skinnys a month after baby! & Super cute kiddos you got there! Plus Happy Anniversary! & Happy WW! If I may caption your husbands face in that pic, “Oh yeah I have been waiting all day for this!”
orangeheromama says
Skinny jeans and sushi! two of my favourite things!
Feed Me Dearly says
Fab shots!
Happy anniversary & happy WW!