I have been nominated for another blogger award
There is an extra special rewarding feeling that comes from receiving an award like this, solely because it has been given to me by a fellow blogger. Being recognized by a peer in this craft carries so much more weight because they are doing what I am doing and have taken the time to highlight my work out of the many great bloggers they no doubt come across. It truly is a great honour!
The Illuminating Blogger Award was created by CJ at Food Stories. Originally it was related to food and storytelling. However, whenever CJ visited other blogs, she’d learn so much from the informative
content, blogging techniques, personalities, etc. that she wanted to create an award that could be offered to everyone. She felt it would be a great way to pay it forward and meet new people. I think it’s a fabulous idea!
How It Works
- If you’re nominated, then you’ve been awarded the Illuminating Blogger Award.
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their site.
- Include a courtesy link back to the official award site in your blog post.
- Copy and paste the award to your blog.
- Share 1 random fact about yourself.
- Nominate at least five other bloggers that you feel have illuminating, informative posts.
- Let the other Bloggers know that you have nominated them.
So first off, I want to say a HUGE thank you to Nikki over at Dysfunctional Dose. I have been reading Nikki’s blog for a while and love the funny, yet insightful tone she stays true to. She is not afraid to share her opinion and is has a very open and honest approach to her blogging that I am naturally drawn to. If you haven’t checked her out, you really need to right this second!
My Random Fact
I have something that I love to do when my husband isn’t home and the toddler is in bed…I sneak down to the basement (don’t know why I’m sneaking since no one can see me) and hide out in the laundry room. I turn on the dryer so that I can’t be heard and I…SING! – Bet you thought I was heading for the gutter with this one! Ha! – I have performed on stages either with school or community theater for most of my life, but I quit after high school. It has been nearly a decade since I have sang in front of people by the desire hasn’t gone away. I put on my iPhone headset & belt out broadway legends, Glee music, Disney songs, classic rock, etc, at the top of my lungs. I’m sure one day I will make it back to the stage, I just have other priorities for now. But there you go, my secret is out
My Nominees
And onto the tough part….my nominees. This is never an easy task. I read and try to follow a lot of blogs. I love connecting with other bloggers and sharing stories, tips, opinions, etc. So to narrow my nominees to just 5 is near impossible, but alas those are the rules. So after crawling through my reading list, here are just a few that I recommend.
Choosing Love – A beautiful blog about motherhood, faith, homeschooling with a sweet & humours approach. I met her months ago in some mutual mom chats on twitter and have loved her blog since. Connect with Wendy on twitter as well.
She said, he said – A fashion blog with an interesting twist. The posts are contributed by both sides of this couple, giving readers the chance to weigh in on his & her fashion. I run a small fashion blog, in a sea full of fashion fish, and this one stands out for it’s unique approach. Definitely check them out and connect on twitter too.
Pardon My Poppet – A blog focused on providing resources for fellow parents. It is written by Liz, who became a mom later in life, after trying for more than 12 years. She writes with honesty & shares great tips & tutorials. Plus they are adorable Follow Liz on twitter as well.
Martinis & Minivans – Seriously, who doesn’t want to follow a blog with that name? I bet you’re not even reading the rest of this because you already clicked over. Damn! Honestly, Danielle is hilarious and helps all of us parent cope with how cool we used to be and the amazing changes that come with parenthood. Connect on twitter, she will make you laugh.
Sew Tara – This is the blog that makes me want to get off my lazy arse and march myself down to my largely neglected sewing machine. Tara provides all kids of sewing inspiration with tutorials for some of the most adorable projects. If you are crafty – of like to pretend you are on Pinterest – she will be a great resource. Follow her DIY musings on twitter too.
Thanks again to my amazing nominator & congrats to my incredible nominees. Ideally speaking, they will all make your reading lists as well. Trust me, they each deserve a spot!
Love this post, thank you so much for thinking of my blog! Wishing you a wonderful Monday!
XO http://shesaidhesaid-fashion.blogspot.com
You are very welcome! I think your blog is very innovative
Oh how your words brought tears to my eyes. Thank you very much.
Aww. You’re welcome Wendy! It’s simply the truth
Thank you so much for the plug! I love reading those to hear whay people really think about my blog. Everyone has a different opinion and every opinion counts! Your blog really deserves that award