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Want to be a guest blogger on Ideally speaking…?
Please feel free to use this form to contact me directly. I am also on every single social network possible (see far right) & can always be reached on them as well.
Are you a company looking to work with a social media addicted, Canadian blogger?
Yes, I am PR friendly! As long as you don’t sell crap. Seriously. I do value what we bring into our home and I love working with brands that care. I will do reviews for any products that we think we would actually use in our household. I will always give a sincere and honest review for any product we try. By day, I am a professional corporate marketer. I feel this is worth mentioning because it means I will know how to help you market your brand through my piece of content.
Some points to mention for reviews – We are a gluten free household. My daughter has Celiacs Disease and I likely do as well. So as much as it would be great to work with some major cereal brand…odds are we can’t. We also try to be as natural as possible in terms of chemicals. Products that contain triclosan, parabens, urea, etc, need not apply. I am not the crunchiest mama on the block, but I am greener than most.
If you think our home would be a good fit for your product, please feel free to reach out. I honestly love helping companies develop content and social campaigns around how we can work together. Rates to be discussed.