Last week was certainly a big week. We had Colton’s two month check up and Lilly’s kindergarten orientation. Not gonna lie, there were a couple tears shed at that second one. I have no idea how my baby girl got that big already.
We received this lovely set of monthly onesies as a gift from Lil’ Bugs. I plan on printing each of these monthly photos to place with the onesies in the keepsake box that they came with. Adorable
Wow what awesome milestones to have all at once!
Your kids are beautiful! My daughter is starting kindergarten this fall, it is definitely a change! They grow up so fast!
Aww! love those cute photos heheh!
Have a cutetastic week
Such cute pictures!!! Have a great day!
They grow up way too fast!
Precious shots – thanks for sharing!
Stop the tears. It only makes it harder for her because she will think this is something bad if you’re freaking out. Save the tears for college. Believe me, it’s a lot tougher than kindergarten.
I am so in love with the second photo! What a tender moment to capture! #WW
I started doing the sticker photos then I got lazy. I really should get back into doing it. She kept trying to pic the stickers off the whole time though.