Since we didn’t make the grand announcement of our growing family until last week, I quietly built the first 5 weeks of my pregnancy journal in a draft screen. Today I hit publish!
Going forward, I am going to try to post a pregnancy journal entry on a weekly basis. With photos, of course, for all of you joining the bump watch
End of Week 5 (August 12th):
Welcome new baby! We just found out you’re in there and on your way to us. We couldn’t be more excited! I found out at 4:30am. Not a good time to get a positive pregnancy test. I did NOT go back to sleep and had to run your big sister’s birthday party on only a few hours of sleep
Speaking of your big sister, you were the best possible birthday present for her. She is beyond thrilled. She does request that you please be a baby girl…your father and I are excited no matter what you are!
I gotta tell you kid, you’re doing a dozy on your Mama already. At only 5 weeks and 1 day, I am already living off gluten free soda crackers and water most of the day and fighting off a 2:00pm nap at my office desk…Don’t feel bad though, your sis hit me early with all these symptoms too. It does let me know that you’re coming along nicely in there.
We go see the doctor in a few days. I can’t wait. I simply can’t wait for the next few weeks as my belly starts to grow and we get to hear your heart beating. I can’t wait to get to know you.
Love always, your Mama.
End of Week 6 (August 19th):
Heya Baby! Well we went through some ups and downs this week. My morning (and all day) sickness got bad enough that you and I were eating very little beyond popsicles and popcorn. I lost 5 pounds over 4 days and realized we needed some help. One call to the doctor and this Mama got some diclectin. This is a new one for me. My morning sickness with your sister was a crummy all day event too, but it was manageable and never prevented me from eating. It became apparent to me this time around that although I’m not a huge fan of medications, it was important that you and I get some nutritiousness into us.
With that out of the way, I am feeling better. Though I am still incredibly tired. I’m working on getting some more tasty fruits into us to boost our energy. I just don’t think 3 naps a day will sit well with my boss
This past weekend, Lilly and I went to see some of our extended family on your VaVoo’s side. I was very excited to tell them about you! One of my cousins is expecting as well and due just a little before your arrival. That means you will have a little playmate at family gatherings
Next week we’re going for our first ultrasound. I can’t begin to explain how excited I am to see you. I know you’re still just a tiny wee thing, but you’re there & we’ll be able to see you for the first time!
Love always, your Mama.
End of Week 7 (August 26th):
Hey Baby! This week has gone pretty well. Nothing too much new. Still very tired and still very nauseous, but all in all, doing well. I have started to notice some early food aversions…that’s not fun. I bought some fruit and nut mix to keep on my desk, because that is the healthy and responsible thing to do. I usually love these type of mixes….but now they taste like garbage to me I am also starting to dislike the taste of coffee. Me?! Not wanting coffee?! This could be catastrophic!
We had our internal ultrasound this week! I was very excited about that. You weren’t much to look at yet, but you were there, in all your tiny, healthy glory! The technician let me know there is definitely only one of you in there. So naturally I called your father and told him it was twins. Cruel, but hilarious.
You are already starting to make your presence known on the outside, although I think I am the only one who can tell so far. I can already see that you will have me showing quite early! I was nervous about that with your sister, but this time I am thrilled. Bring on the belly!
Love always, your Mama.
End of Week 8 (September 2nd):
Hi my Baby! So we’re definitely off coffee. It was a sad break up for me. Life changing, really. I can still drink it if I get something filled with chocolate or sugary syrups. That gets me through the morning and iced tea gets me through the afternoon. You and I have struggled quite a bit to find foods we feel like eating. I am always hungry, but literally want nothing. We’re getting through it, one meal (or bag of chips….mmm, dill pickle…) at a time.
You are certainly making yourself known now! You father, sister and I went to the beach this past weekend. Naturally, you came too…and that was very obvious to anyone who saw me! It is just a small pouch and could be mistaken for a big breakfast, but this belly has already reached where I was at 12-13 weeks with your sister. I honestly can’t wait to have the belly grow bigger. I also can’t wait to feel you move. I know I have another good 10 weeks or so for that, but I am really looking forward to it.
Last week we bought your sister her big bed and moved the crib into your future room. I am trying hard not to spend too much time thinking about your nursery just yet. I want to wait until I have a better idea of who you are in there But it is very hard. I have so many cute ideas for your little space.
Love always, your Mama.
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9 Weeks & a belly already! |
End of Week 9 (September 9th):
Heya Baby! You and I have had a bit of a busy week. One thing is for sure, you definitely like your sleep! I have a hard time staying up to get any laundry done. It’s not a problem though….as long as you still like this much sleep outside of Mama’s tummy
Today your father and I celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary. On Friday, we went out for a late movie date. It was the latest you and have stayed up in weeks! I think we will try to squeeze in a few more of these date nights before you get here.
We’re still loving dill pickle chips. I pretty much eat one small bag a day. This will need to be dealt with on the treadmill when I get some energy back We do seem to have slowed down our love for candy and replaced it with fresh fruit and berries. Let’s keep that up…
I am now officially only wearing jeans with the help of a belly belt system. Otherwise we live in leggings and yoga pants. I have a feeling we will be in maternity within the next 2-3 weeks! It is so exciting to see the belly popping so quickly this time around.
At the end of this week, we get to hear your heartbeat. That is the best sound ever. I can’t wait to listen to you with your dad and Lilly in the room.
Love always, your Mama.
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